Legal Writing Programs

Thursday, October 14, 2004


Capital University Law School, located in Columbus, Ohio, prides itself on its emphasis on comprehensive skills instruction. In the legal writing context, Capital students complete a required first year course in Legal Research and Writing, write at least one lengthy seminar paper or brief to fulfill the upper class writing requirement, and complete a cap stone Legal Drafting course during the final year of law study. The required first-year course in Legal Research and Writing provides students with an integrated approach to developing the essential skills of legal research, legal analysis, and legal writing. Students earn four credit hours over the year long course and are taught in small sections of approximately thirty students. Students develop research and analysis skills in the context of writing both predictive and persuasive documents. The upper class writing requirement provides students with the opportunity to delve deeply into a legal topic and to develop the analytical skills necessary to write a lengthy document. In the Legal Drafting course, students hone their writing skills by writing a document, either in class or out, every week of the semester. The Legal Drafting course gives students the skills to successfully write a variety of legal documents that are typically encountered in the profession. With its location in an urban area with a large legal community, the law school has been successful in attracting quality legal writing and legal drafting instructors who have excellent academic credentials and varied practice experiences.

For further information, contact Janet George Blocher at


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