Legal Writing Programs

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hofstra University School of Law

The legal writing program at Hofstra is a directorless program, with the instructors having full discretion to structure their classes in the manner they see fit, as long as they conform to the course description in the catalogue. Students at Hofstra are required to take two semesters of legal writing for a total of four credits. In Legal Writing, the students usually write four assignments–two drafts of a closed memorandum and two drafts of a trial memorandum. In Appellate Advocacy, the students write two drafts of an appellate brief, then argue that brief in front of a panel of judges. Instructors add additional assignments at their discretion. At Hofstra, we stress the importance of individual interaction with our students through mandatory conferences and office hours.

We have seven full-time instructors at Hofstra, who are eligible for full 405(c) status after five years. After they have completed a one-year probationary period, legal writing faculty have voting rights except for certain personnel matters, and the instructors fully participate as members of faculty committees. In addition to teaching legal writing, our faculty are free to teach other courses, produce scholarship, coach moot court teams, and perform other service to the law school. Having seven instructors allows us to maintain a ratio of 45 students or under per instructor. Hofstra's legal writing faculty has over forty years of combined experience teaching legal writing and appellate advocacy.

Contact person: Scott Fruehwald, .

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