Legal Writing Programs

Friday, October 15, 2004

South Texas College of Law

Contrary to the programmatic data submitted by other schools, we believe that objective data suggests that our LRW program is one of the best in the country. Our students, after completing our rigorous LRW program, have won 87 national moot court and advocacy competitions (twice as many as any other school). These victories prove the quality of the instruction in written and oral advocacy received by our students in their LRW classes. This success is the direct result of the quality of our LRW professors and program, the support received from our non-LRW faculty and administration (including the recent elimination of all distinctions between doctrinal and LRW faculty by granting tenure-track status to LRW faculty), and the hard work of our students. Assuming that the goal of an LRW program is to produce students who can "think, write, and advocate like lawyers," we believe that the incredible success of our students in written and oral advocacy competitions proves that our LRW program is one of the nation’s best.

If you want any further information, please do not hesitate to contact either Professor Tracy McGaugh (713-646-1860, ) or Professor Andrew T. Solomon (713-646-2905, ).


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