Legal Writing Programs

Friday, October 13, 2006

Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis

Full-time faculty:
Joan Ruhtenberg
Cynthia Adams
Ken Chestek
Jim Dimitri
Allison Martin
Debby McGregor
Joel Schumm

We at IU-Indy are proud of the advancements we have made in our program and the contributions we have made to the legal writing field. We are especially pleased to be hosting the next LWI Biennial Conference on July 14-17, 2008.

The Course:
IU-Indy has a required three-semester, six-credit graded writing course. The first two semesters of the J.D. course cover objective writing, persuasive writing (at the trial court level), and an introduction to oral advocacy. The professors enjoy a great deal of autonomy, choosing their own texts and devising their own syllabi with shared goals. Volunteer upper level students are assigned to work with each writing professor’s students on a 1:10 basis.

The third semester is presently integrated with the Intramural Moot Court Competition and covers appellate advocacy as well as the drafting of non-litigation documents. The third semester is taught primarily by experienced adjuncts. Librarians with J.D. degrees teach research throughout the three semesters of the program. Faculty/student ratios typically average between 1:35-40 for full-time professors.

The Faculty:
The program has seven full-time faculty members, either with 405(c) status or on track for 405(c) protection (which they may apply for after successfully completing three years of teaching). Salaries are competitive, and additional funds (up to $14,000) are available for summer research grants. Writing professors often teach summer or academic courses other than legal writing, including Professional Responsibility, Criminal Procedure, Juvenile Justice, Civil Procedure, Torts for LL.M. Students, Trusts and Estates, etc. Several writing professors serve as advisors to the national Moot Court teams, and all writing faculty members participate on law school committees.

Faculty members receive a research leave prior to clinical tenure and an annual professional development fund. All writing professors vote on all matters (other than some appointment and promotion issues). The seven full-time writing professors collectively have over eighty years teaching experience in the field.

IU-Indy serves as the host school for the LWI discussion listserv, LRWPROF-L, as well as various other lists that serve the LWI community. Ken serves as Treasurer of the LWI Board, Ken and Joel serve as Board members for the Journal of the Legal Writing Institute, and Allison and Jim serve as Assistant Editors of the Journal. Debby is a member of the LWI Bar Outreach Committee.

Joan is co-author of A Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method, and Debby and Cynthia will be publishing The International Lawyer’s Guide to Legal Analysis and Communication with Aspen in 2008. All faculty members continue to publish in legal writing and other doctrinal areas.For further information, please contact Joan Ruhtenberg, Director,, or Debby McGregor, Assistant Director, You may also visit our webpage at


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