Legal Writing Programs

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center

The uniqueness of Louisiana’s bijural tradition and awarding of a dual degree (Juris Doctor, Bachelor of Civil Law) to all students is reflected in the legal writing course content. Legal writing faculty create assignments that require research and writing in state common law, federal law, and civil law jurisdictions in order to ensure a global and well-rounded introduction to analysis of the law.

The Legal Writing program at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center has a faculty of six full-time "Professors of Professional Practice" who teach approximately 35 - 40 students per semester. Faculty members are employed on three year contracts and have begun creation of professional practice tenure-track requirements to be submitted to the administration for review and consideration.

An email address of someone who can answer questions about the program: Grace Barry, Director

A website to gather information:

Then view the “Did You Know” powerpoint presentation;
Select Academics and then “Legal Research & Writing Program” from the drop down menu.


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