Legal Writing Programs

Friday, October 15, 2004

University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law

First-Year Program Description

Introduction to Law & Lawyering Processes is a five credit, required first year, two-semester course, and taught in seven sections of 25-30 students each. Each student receives extensive written comments on five writing assignments and meets with their faculty in individual conferences to review their comments after each assignment.

This course aims to develop in the students the following principal competencies: (1) An understanding of the federal and various state court systems and the nature of differing jurisdictions; (2) understanding legal methodology and legal process; (3) legal reasoning skills (inductive, deductive and analogical); (4) case analysis and case synthesis skills; (5) legal research skills; and (6) legal writing skills.

Advanced Legal Writing Offerings

UMKC has offered Advanced Legal Writing courses since 1991. These courses have been overbooked each semester due to student demand. These are seminar courses designed to focus on specific aspects of writing in practice. This year, we are pleased to offer the most sections and the most variety to our students in response to students needs. These include Litigation Drafting -- Civil; Litigation Drafting – Criminal; and Practical Legal Skills, a course designed for the students headed to solo or a small firm general practice. Adjunct faculty teaching some of these sections include two federal magistrate judges. In the past, we have also offered Corporate Drafting. Many of the substantive courses at UMKC also include an advanced writing component including Estate Planning and Drafting and Real Estate Transactions

Faculty Experience and Status

UMKC legal writing faculty are some of the most experienced faculty as a whole than most other law schools. Legal writing faculty graduated in the top of their law school classes and include former federal judicial law clerks, an assistant attorney general, and a former high school English teacher and administrator. Their practice experience ranges from a large firm with a national products liability practice to a mid-sized regional firm with extensive medical malpractice defense work to a small firm with a general practice to the Missouri Attorney General’s Office.

UMKC legal writing faculty have benefited from uncapped contracts since 1989. With renewable long-term contracts, the faculty have a combined law school teaching experience of over thirty years. With this level of experience, the UMKC legal writing faculty spearheaded the development of regional writing conferences by organizing the first of its kind, the Central Region Lawyering Skills Conference in the Fall of 1999. UMKC legal writing faculty routinely present at regional and national legal writing conferences. Their teaching techniques and writing problems have been utilized by schools across the nation.

For more information please visit our website at

or contact:
Prof. Wanda M. Temm
Director of Legal Writing
UMKC School of Law
Kansas City, Missouri


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