Legal Writing Programs

Friday, October 15, 2004

The University of Toledo College of Law

Legal Research, Writing and Appellate Advocacy at the University of Toledo College of Law is a two-semester course that integrates the teaching of research and writing. The three-credit fall semester course focuses on predictive writing and fundamentals of research. The one-credit spring semester course covers persuasive writing, oral argument, and more advanced research resources and strategies. In the first semester, students write three memos with one to three rewrites plus numerous short projects; in the second semester they write a trial brief and an appellate brief.

The College is committed to small research and writing sections. The program is staffed by four full time faculty, including a teacher-director, and supplemented by adjuncts as necessary to keep the student-faculty ratio at about 45 students per full-time teacher. Faculty consult frequently to ensure consistency in the students’ learning experience, but teachers are free to develop their own syllabi, problems, and approaches. The legal writing faculty views conferences as major learning opportunities, so students attend conferences during the writing and re-writing phases of each major assignment. Elective upper level legal writing courses include Advanced Appellate Advocacy, Advanced Legal Writing, and Practical Legal Writing.

Full-time legal writing faculty are hired initially for one year. They are re-hired for three- year and then five-year terms. All faculty have professional experience before coming to teach at the College. Faculty receive professional development funds and participate in faculty governance, except for voting on some appointment and promotion issues.

Contact person at the University of Toledo College of Law:
Debbie Mostaghel


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