Legal Writing Programs

Thursday, October 14, 2004


· three semesters, 9 graded credits, 3 hours/week, full semester
· first two semesters: standard predictive/persuasive, research in both semesters
· third semester: students choose from menu of various courses in one of four areas: advanced advocacy, drafting, advanced legal writing, and judicial writing. Courses may address a variety of doctrinal areas, and use a variety of techniques. Ex: Family Law Drafting; Simulation Trial Level Advocacy. Some students do required remedial work in semester three.
· successive drafts of major assignments, mandatory conferences
· numerous smaller assignments: Ex: client letters, settlement agreement, court watching, reflective papers, peer and self edits
· reports to senior partner, oral argument
· intro to interviewing, counseling and negotiation
· 5-6 class hours on professionalism
· collaborative “firms” on some assignments

Status of Legal Writing Faculty: full time (occasionally use of casebook faculty or outstanding adjunct in third semester)
· possibility of three year contracts
· faculty/student ratio: 1 semester 1/38; 1 semester 1/23 plus non-LRW course
· salary at or above national average
· voting rights (except on tenure matters)
· chair and member of committees both in law school and university
· integrated offices and professor title
· all LRW profs have opportunity teach other “casebook” courses
· faculty has the opportunity to design upper division courses that suit their interests
· summer research grants and summer teaching available at same pay scale as casebook faculty
· some LRW faculty publish both in and out of LRW area

Contact person& email: Terry Pollman


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