Legal Writing Programs

Friday, October 15, 2004

Hamline University School of Law

# of Full Time Instructors: 6

Faculty Structure: One Director (teaches 1/2 class load) and 5 full-time faculty

Faculty Titles: Director of Legal Writing or Legal Writing Instructor

Contracts (tenure not available)
· Director: 3 year rolling (405(c) status)
· 2 Instructors: 3 year rolling (contracts granted this year; status not clear at this time)
· 3 Instructors: One-year contracts.

Required time teaching or other criteria before eligible for 3-year rolling contracts: Not clear at this time.

Years current faculty have taught LRW at Hamline (excluding current year): 2-14 years

Starting Salary: $33,000

Additional Professional Support: $1,000 per year professional development funds (The school does not pay for attorney registration fees.)
$500 per year per Instructor for student research TA’s

Number of Required Semesters: 2 (first year only)

Advanced courses offered: None. Students must take a topical seminar course and write a paper for it, but there are no advanced Legal Writing courses currently available.

Credits per semester: 2 each semester

Class size: Maximum of 48 students per Instructor; taught in 2 class sections

Graded Fall Semester assignments:
One-Case Legal Analysis Exercise; Closed Memorandum; Research Memorandum

Research Labs: During the first semester students are also required to participate in Research Labs taught by student TA’s and graded by the TA’s. These TA’s are closely guided by one of the Instructors. The lab assignments are created by that same Instructor in conjunction with the Law Library staff.

Graded Spring Semester Assignments: Client Letter; Appellate Brief; Oral Argument

Feedback Opportunities other than grading: At least one private tutorial/conference of 30-60 minutes with the Instructor before each written assignment. (1 tutorial before the Closed Memo; 2 tutorials before the Research Memo and Appellate Brief)

Rewriting of assignments: None. The program focuses on feedback prior to grading.

Additional Information: Based on anecdotal evidence from local judges and the Career Services Office, Hamline graduates are preferred as judicial clerks. Once a Hamline grad has clerked for an out-of-state judge, those judges generally contact Hamline in the future before hiring other candidates.

Contact Information
Alice Silkey, Director of Legal Writing
651-523-3012 or


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